недеља, 18. август 2013.

Posvećeno damama! (obavezno za muškarce) / Dedicated to the ladies! (necessarily for men)

  Jednakost polova.
 Ovaj tekst posvećen je pripadnicama lepšeg pola, što apsolutno znači da i muškarci moraju da ga pročitaju.
Izjednačavanje žena sa muškarcima, borba za pravednost ili teška obmana?!
 U današnje vreme, više nego ikad, može se čuti, a Boga mi i videti ta zaglušujuća floskula pod nazivom ''Jednakost polova ''. U svetu postoji bezbroj organizacija, uglavnom popularno titularizovanih sa ''nevladine''. To '' nevladine '' navodno treba da znači nezavisne, slobodoumne, izuzete od bilo kakvog prtitiska ili uticaja, mešanja tobože nekog stranog faktora u njihov rad. Te '' pravedne '' organizacije vode borbu za jednakost i ravnopravnost žena ili kako to još sofisticiranije zovu ''jednakost polova''. Pod tim lepo upakovanim i friziranim nazivom, smatra se da žena u svakom pogledu treba da bude jednaka muškarcu. Navodno se smatra da su žene diskriminisane u odnosu na muškarce, obezvređene. Po toj sumanutoj filozofiji, koja odavno više nema veze sa socijalnom pravdom i uz sve što uz to ide, a to su sva prava u društvu što je već odavno priznato ženama, ako zaista negde i nisu postojala. Kada samo malo bolje pogledamo ko tu borbu vodi, već je navedeno, možemo olako zaključiti da li je to dobro ili ne. Danas se ta tkz. borba vodi sa ciljem da se žene uguraju u najveću štroku materijalistiškog sistema vrednosti, u živo blato sa ubeđivanjem da je u tom blatu u stvari lepo i da će u njemu uživati kao u nekom luksuznom đakuziju istog tog izobličenog pobornika ove devijantne ideje, koji će sedeti negde u svom lažnom bogatstvu, stvorenom na očaju tih istih prevarenih žena. Metak ispaljen u živote ženske populacije zove se karijera, a pištolj iz koga je ispaljen nosilac je marke pod imenom novac. Da li karijera i novac trebaju ženi? Da li je to njena uloga ?
 Ako se novac i karijera u današnje vreme stiču na najprljavije i najnemoralnije načine ili s druge strane onaj manji novac i karijera na najmučnije robovske načine, da li jedno krhko, nežno i emotivno biće kao što je žena treba da bude deo toga? Svako iole normalan će se apsolutno složiti da žena po svojoj fižičkoj i duhovnoj strukturi nikako nije predodređena za jednu takvu prljavštinu. Da li žena u nekim drugim situacijama treba da bude izjednačena sa muškarcem, kao recimo u ratu? Da li se i za to bore ovi lažni brižnici žena, naravno da da. Danas imate žene vojnike, grade karijeru ubice i koljača. Postoji li dovoljno negativna reč da opiše taj tragični užas u koji su žene uvučene. ''Pa zašta je onda žena?'', pitaće se neko. ''Gde je njena vrednost u ovom androgenom sistemu?'' Kako da je kreira?''
  Žena je stvorena za jednu mnogo veću ulogu, mogu slobodno reći najveću ulogu, koja postoji na ovom svetu. Takvu ulogu, karijeru ili titulu nijedan muškarac na ovom svetu ne može da dosegne. To je kao i ona moja umetnost van domašaja materijalizma. To se ne kupuje jedinicama bezvrednog. To je nešto što se stiče rodjenjem. To je dato od nekog nezamislivo većeg od onog što uvlači žene u blato.
 Žena je stvorena da bude majka, stub porodice. Da kreira decu svojom dobrotom, emotivnošću. To je karijera kojom treba da se ponosi svaka normalna žena. Jer dok takva žena poseduje bogatstvo života, neka druga poseduje čemer samoće koju joj je podarila lažna karijera. Ostati sam, najveće je prokletstvo. A muškarci, stvoreni su na poziciji ispod žene, oni su tu da obezbede vitalnost porodice, da rade za taj cilj. Izjednačavati ženu sa muškarcem žnači srozavati je ispod nivoa za koji je stvorena.
  Gradite svoju karijeru, uzvišeni put koji vam je podaren, ugledajte se na one koje su je već ostvarile i videćete da ne postoji ništa lepše i bolje od toga. Od toga kada u ruci držite deo sebe a opet nešto novo i sveto što će vas zauvek voleti. Gradite karijeru i bićete srećne.

pratite me:  https://twitter.com/verumVPJ

Gender equality.
 This article dedicated to women everywhere. Men, it is necessary to review this unquestionably. Equating women with men, the fight for justice or severe delusion! Today, more than ever, it can be heard and seen the deafening slogans called “gender equality.”  In the world there are countless organizations, mainly popular with titular name “' non-government organizations.” Non-governmental suggest independence, liberation, and exemption from any pressure, influence or interference ostensibly foreign factors in their work. “Just” organizations fight for the equality of women or how they call it, more sophisticatedly “gender equality.”  Under these beautifully packaged and dressed up names lay a belief that a woman should be equal to men in every way; this insane philosophy that has nothing to do with social justice.
Apparently, society’s opinion is that women face discrimination in comparison to men. This impairs women. Social justice is self-explanatory. It entails all rights in a society that go unrecognized in reference to women. Does social justice for women exist?  Pondering this is an opportunity to take a better look at who leads the fight, we can easily conclude whether it is good or not. Today, the so-called struggle is aimed at women squeeze into the largest dirt of materialistic value system, in a quagmire of persuasion that in the mud. They are saying “she will enjoy it” like in a luxurious jacuzzi of the same distorted proponents who support this deviant idea. Those proponents sit somewhere enjoying their false wealth. The despair of those same cheated women created the wealth that proponents enjoy.
A bullet fired into the lives of the female population has called a career, and the gun that fired the bullet holds the brand name of money. It is not necessary for women to obtain a career to make money. A career and money does not signify success. Unfortunately, this is current role or current goal for society? Acquiring a more money and a career in the dirtiest, most immoral fashion or acquiring less money and a career in ways most painful is similar slavery. Must fragile, tender, and emotional beings like a woman be a part of this social injustice? 
 Anyone even remotely normal will agree that women in her physical and spiritual structure could not be destined for such filth. For instance should women be equal to men in other situations like in a war? Do non-government organizations, NGO's fight for these things? Of course they do. Today, a female soldier is a representation of society concept to building a career of women killers and butchers sadly. Are there enough negative words to describe this tragic horror in which women are drawn? Why is it like this for women?  Someone will ask, “Where is her value in the androgen system?” How she supposed to create a part?” 
A woman has a much bigger role; I can say that is the most important role that exists in this world. Babe you forgot to state what is a women’s role? No man in this world can reach that pivotal role, career or title. It is like my art, out of the reach of materialism; not bought with worthless units. This is something that is acquired by birth; given by an unimaginably greater phenomenon than this occurrence that draws women into the mud. A woman is a mother, a pillar of the family. To create a child with her goodness, virtuousness, beauty, and emotionality is a part of a career that should make women proud. Such a woman has a wealth of life; another may have a bitterness of loneliness that given by a false career. To be alone is the biggest curse. Strengthening and supporting women is a part of a man’s creation. Men ensure the vitality of a family unit and to work toward that goal. Equating a woman with a man sinks her below the level of her creation. My exquisite daughters, sister, mothers build a career on the elevated road bestowed.  Learn from powerful women who already made it. A woman will see that there is nothing better and nothing more beautiful than the true nature of a woman. Become secure, someone new, and holy that you will love forever. Men love women and what they represent. Ladies, build a career that will satisfy, and reinforce your womanhood and that you define, not others. Only then will you will be truly happy!

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